So I've been itching to fix up my room. It's really cluttered and ehhhh, says nothing about my personal style... Although it does express my disorganization and pack-rat tendencies... But I've seen a few excellent photos of some more stylish rooms that I'd like to translate into a more zen bedroom.

I looooove the tree branch used to hang clothes! I have a closet in my room, but the use of clothes as decoration is really cool - the shoes arranged on the floor and the purse on the side table... I love it!

Before I leave FL, I'd really love to get some big shells, starfish or seabiscuit, like the ones shown here, to decorate a book shelf.

This room is just so casual. It's grown-up without being uptight. It's not overdone or complicated and it's definitely not cluttered! I like that it isn't very feminine, too. I could totally see myself with this room.
above pictures from
desire to inspire, one of my favorite design blogs.

Awww, I really like this. It would be especially cute if it were all poloroids of actual film photos of friends and family. Or pictures of yourself and your significant other. :D
Doooon't really rememer where this came from... I'll go ahead and guess that it's another one from Desire To Inspire.

ANNNDDD, I may or may not REEEAALLLYYY want to paint some of my furniture bright, happy colors, like this turquoise dresser. :]
Amazing photos.i also love the tree branch to hung my clothes.I think i need to look for that gorgeous thing.=)Thanks for sharing.=)
A Writers Den
The Brown Mestizo
I'm loving those photos.looks great,i think i need that lampshade..=) Hope to see more from you.=)
Travel and Living
I love that casual room..
Thanks for sharing.. ^_^
JAYtography: An Online Travelogue
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